Friday, December 12, 2008

Mercy & Grace

A few days ago, H. explained to me (Mom) the difference between mercy and grace. He said that grace is when you don’t get the punishment you deserved. Mercy is when the consequences are easier because of kindness.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Birthday Dream

Mom and Dad just told me today about having a birthday in Jesus when I was born in God's family. They gave me a present of $10 to use towards an mp3 player and Christian music. I said, "That's weird. I had a dream that you gave me $10."

My mom thought that was cool that God told me I was getting $10.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Powerful God

God can give visions and help me to see that He is real. God showed me that He is powerful, so I could believe. God even used me to be a messenger for Him!

H, age 8

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

God's Protection

I thought we were riding in the way back of the truck, so I said,
"That makes me scared, but my God will protect me."

(We rode in the back of the driver inside the truck.)

L, age 4.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


One time, I prayed for a lady who had the eye flu. Her eye got better. I prayed for my mom that her headache would go away and it did.

God answered my prayers!

S, age 6.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

David & Goliath

David was a follower of God. David was not afraid. But Goliath thought he was better than anyone. Goliath was a giant.
Now David had a slingshot that he shot tigers and bears with. So when the Israelites were fighting Goliath, David went to the king of the Israelites and said, “I want to face Goliath.” Now facing Goliath is a big deal. This is a kid who wants to face a giant. Now this kid is like 10 years old.
Let me get back to the story. The king said, “Yes, but you most have some armor.”
And he gave David the armor and said, “Now, put on the armor.”
David said, “The armor is too heavy.”
He said, “But most have some armor.”
“I have a slingshot, and I can use it to fight Goliath with.”
So Goliath came with his men. Then Goliath said, “Come. You dare to fight me.”
Then David came to fight Goliath.
He laughed, “A baby has come to me.” Then David got his slingshot round and round. And let go of his slingshot. The rock hit Goliath in the head, and Goliath died. And the Israelites won.

H, age 8


Winning is not the goal. It is to have fun.

H, age 8

Monday, March 3, 2008


"I wanna set the world on fire until it’s burning bright for You
It’s everything that I desire. Can I be the one you use?"
Lyrics by Britt Nicole

This song came on the Christian radio. I told my Mom and Dad, "She's talking about the Holy Spirit's fire, not real fire. So you don't have to be scared."

H, age 8

Loving On Jesus

At Sunday church, L was giving Mom a hug. Mom said, "It's not time to love on Mom, it's time to give Jesus hugs. Please sing." L said, "But Jesus is in you."

L, age 4

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Starting Off . . .

I have enjoyed posting to the blogs that I have. As I was discussing blogging, someone suggested that I start a blog for our kids to tell their God stories. So here it is, chosen by them. We have 3 boys, currently ages 4, (soon-to-be) 6, & 8 years. Hope you enjoy their stories. :)